关于我们About JAE


JAE is a boutique design firm that values innovation and achievement.





2010年,曾任职国际著名设计公司设计总监的江春(JC)先生加入JAE,成为董事总经理兼设计总监。在引入国际先进设计理念的同时提出了追求技术 + 艺术设计理念,并打造了一个创新能力强、工作效率高的方案设计团队。由于JC 同时具备国际公司和本土LDI的工作经验,JAE 更加强了与国际公司的合作。

在他的带领下,JAE 全力打造国际化的设计质量,专业化的服务,注重原创设计。以设计创新、服务优质为立身之本。

Jiang Architects & Engineers (JAE) was founded by Prof. Jiang Huan cheng and his partners. It holds a Grade A design qualification in China and has the three major design disciplines: architecture, structure and E&M in the company.

In year 1998, being the former chief structure engineer of ECADI, Mr. Jiang who was in the first group of people studied in the west after the Chinese cultural revolution, decided to setup his own design studio within the Modern Design Group in Shanghai. The idea is to maximize the creative power of individuals and of a small design firm. After a few years of trial, he and the partners established the independent firm JAE in the beginning of 2005.

Due to the strong technical background of the core members JAE has completed a series of high quality and technically demanding projects throughout the years by itself or by collaborating with international firms. They are mostly non residential projects such as offices, hotels and mixed use developments. Among which, high rises and super high rises are what JAE does the best.

In 2010, JC, a former design principal of a UK design firm, joined JAE as the managing director and the design principal. JC brought in the design philosophy of “Art + Tech” and formed a creative and highly efficient concept design team within JAE. Because JC has had experiences in both international firms and the Local Design institute, JAE is now also practicing more collaboration with the international firms

JAE is focused on the original design, professional service, and is pursuing a perfect integration of art and technology.

  • 2005

    JAE was established in 2005

  • 甲级资质

    Class A Qualification for the Design of Construction Industry (Building Engineering) Issued by MoHURD

  • 100


    The projects covers more than
    100 cities

  • 80


    Design team with more than
    80 staffs

  • 3

    3 offices

  • 10


    Serving Over 10 areas

  • 40


    Won more than 40 Awards



设计以人为本, 兼顾脑洞大开 + 落地实施。

国际化方案团队; 结构设计国内顶尖; 施工图精准快速; 民营化市场服务。

Our design takes care of the people, design to provide solution.

Inovative Design, Top Structural Design,
Well Coordinated Costruction Dwgs, Efficient Client Service.

荣誉奖项 Awards

合作伙伴 Partnership( 排名不分先后 In no particular order )

  • 保利
  • 华润
  • 招商蛇口
  • 中国金茂
  • 中国建筑
  • 中钢
  • 鲁能地产
  • 东方航空
  • 中国商飞
  • 工商银行
  • 万科
  • 陆家嘴
  • 中南集团
  • 百联集团
  • 南京新百
  • 临港集团
  • 万国数据
  • 上海东方明珠
  • sag
  • 上海城投
  • 南京水利
  • 昆山高新
  • 绿地
  • 世茂
  • 中集
  • 中融集团
  • 凯德置地
  • 嘉华集团
  • 新鸿基
  • 恒隆
  • 长江实业
  • 中星微
  • 万谷实业
  • 东方雨虹
  • 宝矿
  • 金鹰
  • 厦门国际银行
  • 三亚凤凰岛
  • 视博股份
  • 梅溪湖



代表作品 Representative works
